
 Transmission of thoughts between two minds that are assumed attuned or affinity, without the need of any traditional forms of communication via conventional sensory pathways. An emphasis on Neptune is said to provide high sensitivity to psychic transmissions. This might happen up close or across a vast distance.


 An optical device that aids the eye or camera in viewing or shooting faraway things by magnifying celestial bodies and focusing a wider beam of light to sharpen the image. It appears that the Greeks and Romans were aware of it, based on several ancient allusions. There is evidence in the Pyramid that the Egyptians had a type of reflecting telescope at one time. In 1608, the first refracting telescopes were produced in Holland. Galileo created one for himself after hearing about them and began his tests in 1620. In 1663, James Gregory of Edinborough created the first known reflecting telescope.

Temporal Houses


Terminal Houses

The Signs of the Watery Triplicity correlate to the 4th, 8th, and 12th Houses (q.v.). They are so named because they oversee the endings of three occult or mysterious periods of life: the 4th, the physical man's death; the 8th, the soul's release; and the 12th, the native's secret expectations.

Terms of the planets

 The planetary Terms are a system of subrulerships of sections of a Sign by various planets, in which the nature of a planet placed in a Sign is changed to that of the planet in whose term it is placed. These subdivisions, which are exclusively pertinent to the interpretation of a Horary Figure, are usually ignored by moderns, who believe they were invented by the Egyptians to account for phenomena now attributed to the influences of previously undiscovered planets. Others who claim to utilize them in Horary Astrology claim that they produce outstanding results.


 A partial judgement based on a planet's influence as conditioned by Sign and House, strength of position and aspects, or a particular arrangement of planets in a Figure. A judgement is made up of the sum of multiple witnesses. Ptolemy used a phrase that is nearly synonymous with Argument.


 There are four novels in all. The oldest document of the ancients' astrological system that has survived. It was made between 132 and 160 A.D. It was collected from "ancient" sources, according to the author, Claudius Ptolemy, the famous Egyptian mathematician. Ptolemaic Astrology is a kind of astrology that dates back to the time of Ptolemy.

Tetractys - ten symbolic dots

 Pythagoras proposed this idea, claiming that our Solar System contains 10 bodies. Only seven such bodies were known to the ancients, but contemporary astronomers have found the other three: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are Pythagoras' emblem was made up of 10 dots placed in a triangle pattern, as seen. Many rectangles and triangles were produced by joining the dots in various ways, all of which are intimately related with the Pythagorean mathematical system, through which he describes his notion of the realities of the cosmos. This might explain why the pyramid's top is absent in the United States' great seal, which is printed on certain paper money.


 a. Syn. of quartile, or a square aspect. v. Aspect.

Thema Coeli

 The figure of the heavens. v. Figure.


 When a planet is in the Sign of which it is the Ruler, some astrologers use exaggeration rather than consistency and clarity to characterize it as being on its throne. It was once used to a planet positioned in the part of a Sign where it possessed more than one Dignity, in a more ancient and rational meaning.


Time measurement is inextricably linked to issues of location and a reference point. Because of the widespread failure on the part of those who record the moment of an event to qualify it by stating in what manner of time it is noted: whether apparent solar time, as shown on a sundial; mean time, as shown on a clock; or universal time, as shown on a clock, one of the most difficult problems with which the astrologer deals is establishing the actual moment of an occurrence and stating it in terms of Universal Time.


 The transit of a planet through the significator, moderator, or planet, or any point where it creates an aspect to them, whether in a radix, progression, Solar Revolution, or Horary Figure. The current year's ephemeris is used to calculate transits. The transit of benefic planets above, or in aspect to, the radical and advanced locations of the various Significators is generally advantageous; the passage of malefic planets is bad.

Transit of a planet across the Sun

 Only when the Sun is within 1° 45' of the Node and the Earth is travelling through the Node may Venus transit the Sun. These occur in pairs, with the most recent two occurring in 1874 and 1882. The dates for the next occurrences are June 8, 2004, and June 6, 2012. Mercury transits are becoming increasingly common.


 A slow-moving major planet makes a lingering aspect to a natal planet, which is subsequently triggered by an extra aspect from a Culminator, a faster-moving body like the Sun or Moon, to the same or another planet, triggering the externalisation.

Translation of Light

 The transfer of influence that happens when a transiting planet, while separating from an aspect to one planet, is discovered to be applying to an aspect to another, in which case some of the first aspected planet's influence is transferred to the second aspected planet through light translation. Consider a Horary Figure in which Jupiter and Saturn, the Significators of the parties to a contract discussion, are not in aspect to each other, but Venus, although separating from Jupiter, is applying to a Saturn aspect. There is a convincing evidence that Venus indicates a person or an idea who will bring about a settlement when light is translated from Jupiter to Saturn. The type of the aspect, as well as the aspecting and aspected planets via which the translation occurs, decides whether the result is fortunate.


 The beneficial use of an astrological influence that might otherwise have a harmful and disruptive effect by a controlled and developed character. It's a concept derived from alchemists who attempted to transform base metals into gold, and it refers to a spiritual alchemy process in which a base feeling is committed to a noble aim.


  A term applied to the three signs of the same triplicity.


 Astrological Rulers of Trigons


 In Mundo, an aspect that encompasses three Houses, resulting in a Mundane square, but which in certain cases may stretch to as much as 120°; consequently, in Primary Directions, it was frequently referred to as the killing arc, as 120 years were seen as the natural limit of life.


  An aspect of 120°.


 Used to describe a planet's motion to a trine aspect with another planet's body or location.



Tropical Signs

 Cancer and Capricorn. v. Signs.

Tropical Year

 The Solar Year is a 365-day, 5-hour, 48-minute, 4.5-second period in which the Sun's center moves from one Vernal Equinox to the next. It is 20 minutes and 23.5 seconds shorter than the Sidereal Year due to precession.

True Solar Day



 Hermes used this phrase to describe the process of correction (q.v.).


After sunset, until the Sun is roughly 18° below the horizon, the Earth's atmosphere is illuminated. Its duration is determined by the time it takes the Sun to travel this distance. At the Equator, this takes roughly an hour at any time of year, although it takes significantly longer during the summer. The gap lengthens in the summer and shortens in the winter when one gets beyond 40° N. latitude.

Umbral Eclipse

 When the Moon completely enters the Earth's shadow, this is referred to as a lunar eclipse. A total eclipse occurs when the Moon is totally immersed in the Earth's shadow; otherwise, a partial eclipse occurs. It does not include partial eclipses when applied to a Sun eclipse, but only total, annular, or annular-total eclipses in which the Moon's disc is totally contained within the Sun's disc. Eclipse vs.

Under the Sunbeams

 Said of a planet with a longitude of less than 17 degrees from the Sun. It was originally thought to be undesirable, although not as much as combust. Modern experts, on the other hand, use the inherent character of the planets and other accompanying factors to make more discerning and less dogmatic assessments. Cazimi v.

Unfortunate Signs

 The Negative Signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and


 Aquarius. v. Signs.


 Due to a high Uranus natal receptivity, said of a person of eccentric and independent temperament, with unusual and unorthodox thoughts and opinions. Usually tall and blond.

Uranian Astrology

 A method based on Alfred Witte's lectures at the Hamburg (Ger.) Astrology School. The use of Planetary Patterns (q.v.) based on Midpoints, the cardinal points, Antiscia, and certain hypothetical planets, as well as the exclusion of all but the "hard" angles: conjunction, semi-square, quadrate, sesquiquadrate, and opposition - which are referred to as effective connections - are the main differences from the orthodox school. The Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun, and Moon are the personal points for Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.


 The first of the trans-Saturnian planets to be discovered in contemporary times. Solar System, v.

Vernal Equinox

 The Spring Equinox. v. Equinox; Celestial Sphere


 Vertical and perpendicular are nearly equivalent, with the exception that vertical refers to abstract objects and suggests the general direction of the zenith, whereas perpendicular refers to concrete objects and suggests a general downward direction toward the Earth's core. It is used in astronomy and astrology in relation to the celestial circle, which is the circle in which one stands while facing south.


 Said of a planet that sets after the Sun in the west. Matutine's polar opposite

Via Combusta

 The route of the combustible. This most likely referred to a cluster of fixed stars in the early degrees of the constellation Scorpio as used by the ancients. A natal Moon in that arc was thought to be affected in the same way as if it were in an eclipse - at or near one of the Nodes. If this is the case, the description would need to be updated every 70 years by 1° to account for the Precessional arc. The Via Combusta would most likely be located in the region inhabited by Antares and opposed by Aldebaran, which is today centered about 10° Sagittarius. In that arc, a birth planet or birth Moon would be characterized as "in Via Combusta." Some ancient authorities said it was in the final part of Libra and all of Capricorn; others said it was between Libra 15° and Scorpio 15°.


 Vibrations are a typical metaphor for impressions. Bodies undoubtedly emit a range of emanations that we now call energy radiations and whose vibratory properties are referred to as frequencies. Just as music or audible sounds convey thought to the ear in sound frequencies ranging from 60 to 6000 cycles per second, and color in art and all things visible is conveyed to the eye in light frequencies ranging from 400 to 800 milli-micron wave lengths, there must be a range of frequencies in which otherwise unexpressed thoughts are projected from one brain to another. Vibrations are psychic pulsations or magnetic waves, according to occultists.

Violent Signs

 Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius. v. Signs.


 The sixth sign of the zodiac. v. Signs.


 The New Moon becomes visible in the West just after Sunset as it begins to break from its conjunction with the Sun. Each evening, it rises higher in the sky, allowing it to shine for about an hour longer before setting. After sunset, a first quarter Moon is always visible straight overhead. The Sun sets during the Full Moon, revealing the Moon just rising in the East, allowing the Full Moon to shine throughout the night. Because it rises an hour later each night, by the time it reaches its last quarter, it is above when the morning Sun, rising in the East, blots it out of view. The Moon travels around the sky with the Sun at the next Lunation, and is invisible unless it eclipses the Sun, in which case it appears as a black shadow across the Sun. It returns in the West a day later, just as the Sun's dying light makes it visible.

Vital Signs


Vocal Signs

  Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. v. Signs.


 Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, and the first half of Sagittarius are said to be the orator signs because when one of these signs ascends while Mercury is strong, the person is said to have the ability to speak.

Void of Course

 A planet that forms no full aspect before departing the Sign in which it is placed at birth is said to have this quality. When the Moon is in this position, most of the good predicted in the Figure does not come to pass. A planet in this position in Horary Astrology is thought to signify a person who lacks objective or purpose, and hence engages in pointless activity.


 A fictitious planet whose orbit is said to be inside that of Mercury, which has long been a source of speculation among ancient astrologers. So yet, astronomers have uncovered no evidence to support any claims of its existence.

War Time

Time measurement is inextricably linked to issues of location and a reference point. Because of the widespread failure on the part of those who record the moment of an event to qualify it by stating in what manner of time it is noted: whether apparent solar time, as shown on a sundial; mean time, as shown on a clock; or universal time, as shown on a clock, one of the most difficult problems with which the astrologer deals is establishing the actual moment of an occurrence and stating it in terms of Universal Time.

Watchers of the Heavens

 Applied by the Persians (c. 3000 B.C.) to the four Royal Stars then at the Zodiac angles: Aldebaran, the Watcher of the East, then at the Vernal Equinox; Regulus, the Watcher of the North, then at the Summer Solstice; Antares, the Watcher of the West, then at the Autumnal Equinox; Fomalhaut, the Watcher of the South, then at the Winter Solstice.


 The zodiacal Sign Aquarius. v. Signs.

Water Signs

  Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. v. Signs.

Wave Length

 The length of radio waves can be measured in either length or frequency; the greater the frequency, the shorter the wave length. Your WMCA, for example, has a frequency of 570 kilocycles in a wave length of roughly 527 meters at the top of the dial. When you multiply one by the other, you get around 300,000. Near the bottom, WQXR broadcasts with a frequency of 1560 kc with a wave length of 192 meters. When these are compounded, the result is around 300,000, demonstrating a clear inverse relationship between frequency and wave length. Millimicrons, or angstrom units, are used to measure ultra-short wave lengths in the light band.

Weak Signs

 Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces. v. Signs.

Whole Signs

 Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and by some authorities Taurus. v. Signs.